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Further Resources

Edit checks on your linked data

RECORD Reporting Guidelines

REporting of studies Conducted using Observational Routinely-collected Data (RECORD) is an international collaborative which will develop reporting guidelines for studies conducted using routinely-collected health data (such as health administrative data, electronic medical record data, primary care surveillance data, and disease registries).

RECORD Guidelines

Data Linkage Flow Charts

The combined protocol application form requests a flow chart of your data linkage. 

Below are some templates for you to use. These are just guides, as each linkage will be different. 


External cohort(s) where CHeReL receives identifiers only

External cohort(s) where CHeReL receives identifiers and content data

MLK defined cohort(s), linked to CHeReL data only

MLK defined cohort(s), linked with external data linkage facilities (e.g. AIHW)

External cohort(s), linked with external data linkage facilities (e.g. cross jurisdictional linkages)

CHeReL Guide to applying for linked data

For some additional information on what to look out for in you CHeReL application for linked data we have prepared a Tips and Tricks and document found HERE


An introduction to data linkage and how to apply

The Population Health Research Network (PHRN) has developed a series of resources for those who would like some general information about data linkage. Follow this link to the PHRN webpage where you will find

  • An introductory video and fact sheet on applying for linked administrative data
  • A fact sheet explaining Data Linkage
  • A fact sheet on Protecting Privacy
  • Tips for preparing a strong data linkage application
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